8.4 Effect of Density of Populations
in AP Biology
A birth rate or death rate that does not change with population density is density independent. If a death rate increases or a birth rate decreases with increasing density, it is density dependent.
To Think About:
In what ways are living systems organized in a hierarchy of structural levels that interact? What would cause a population to produce a density of individuals that exceeds the system’s resource availability? What causes a population to display a logistic growth?
Watch: AP Daily Video Effect of Density of Populations
Answer the Following Questions:
- What is population density?
- How does food availability affect population density?
- What are density dependent factors. Give two examples.
- What are density independent factors. Give two examples.
- What are the three stages of growth shown in the logistic growth curve?
- What would a graph of population size in a population experiencing logistic growth look like?
- What is carrying capacity?
- What causes a population to reach carrying capacity?
- Write the equation for logistic growth here. How does dN/dt change as N gets closer to K?
- Stop the video at 3:18. What is rmax? Show your work.
Supplementary Resources:
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