7.10 Variation in Populations
in AP Biology
Variants that are well adapted to one environment may not be well adapted to another environment.
To Think About:
How does genetic diversity of a species or population affect its ability to withstand environmental pressures? What makes genetically diverse populations resilient? What determines if an allele is deleterious or adaptive?
Watch: AP Daily Video Variations in Populations
Answer the Following Questions:
- The ability of a population to respond to changes in the environment is influenced by ____________________ __________________
- Populations with little genetic diversity are more likely to _______________ in size or become _________________
- Why are populations that are more genetically diverse more likely to survive environmental changes?
- Whether or not an allele or a phenotype provides an advantage to the organism depends on the ____________________. If the _____________________ changes, a previously advantageous allele can become disadvantageous.
Supplementary Resources:
- Sickle Cell Anemia
” scrolling=”no” border=”0” frameborder=”no” framespacing=”0” allowfullscreen=”true”></iframe>
- What Does Malaria Do to the Human Body?
- The Life Cycle of Malaria: Human Host
- Malaria Life Cycle Part: Mosquito Host