7.8 Speciation

Speciation, the origin of new species, is at the focal point of Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Evolutionary theory must explain how new species originate and how populations evolve.

To Think About:

When does speciation occur? What is the biological species concept? What is punctuated equilibrium? What is gradualism? What is divergent evolution? What is allopatric and sympatric speciation? How do prezygotic and postzygotic mechanisms impact speciation?

Watch: AP Daily Video Speciation

Answer the Following Questions:

  • When does speciation occur?
  • What is a species?
  • ________________ ___________________ is critical for speciation.
  • What do prezygotic barriers do?
  • List and describe the five types of prezygotic barriers.
  • What do postzygotic barriers do?
  • List and describe the three types of postzygotic barriers.
  • Contrast allopatric speciation with sympatric speciation.
  • What are some causes of sympatric speciation?
  • Contrast punctuated equilibrium with gradualism
  • What causes divergent evolution? Give an example/
  • What is adaptive radiation?

Supplementary Resources:

  • Bozeman Science: Mr. Andersen’s “Reproductive Isolation and Speciation” video
  • Crash Course Biology: “Speciation”

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