7.1 Introduction to Evolution and Natural Selection
in AP Biology
“Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution”—Theodosius Dobzhansky.
To Think About:
What is natural selection? What factors influence natural selection? How does natural selection affect populations?
Watch: AP Daily Video Introduction to Natural Selection
Answer the Following Questions:
- What is the difference between evolution and natural selection?
- What determines how competitive an organism is?
- Genetic differences in a population are called ________________. What is their cause?
- What are adaptations?
- How do we measure evolutionary fitness?
- What is heritability?
- How are the rate and direction of evolution determined?
- Why are silent male crickets more common on Kauai?
- STOP the video at 6:54. Describe the change in the sparrow population after the snow storm.
Supplementary Resources:
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