6.8 Biotechnology and Virus

A virus consists only of nucleic acid, proteins, and sometimes a membranous envelope. After infecting a host cell, it uses the host cell’s molecules to make new viruses

To Think About:

What are some common techniques used to analyze or manipulate DNA and RNA? How can genetic engineering techniques be used to manipulate DNA and RNA?

Watch: AP Daily Video Biotechnology

Answer the Following Questions:

  • Electrophoresis separates molecules by _____________ and ____________
  • DNA is _____________ charged
  • Which size fragments of DNA move faster through the gel?
  • What are some uses for gel electrophoresis?
  • PCR is used to ________________ DNA
  • List and DESCRIBE the three steps in PCR:
  • Bacterial transformation introduces ________________ ______________ into ______
  • The foreign DNA may integrate into the bacteria’s ______________________ or it may remain as a plasmid in the cell’s _______________________
  • DNA Sequencing determines the order of _________________________
  • DNA Sequencing is important in ____________________, ___________________ and _______________________________
  • STOP the video at 5:55 Why is there no growth on plate II?

Supplementary Resources:

  • Bozeman Science: Molecular Biology
  • Amoeba Sisters: PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
  • Khan Academy: DNA cloning and recombinant DNA
  • Amoeba Sisters: Genetic Engineering
  • Bozeman Science: What is CRISPR?
  • McGovern Institute: Genome Editing with CRISPR-Cas9
  • Illumina: Overview of Illumina Sequencing by Synthesis Workflow
  • Kurzgesagt: Are GMOs Good or Bad? Genetic Engineering & Our Food

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